Each Treatment Session Is Individually Prescribed & Reevaluated
Diagnoses & Areas of Specialization
Comprehensive Orthopedic Care** (from head to toe)
All Arthritic Conditions
-Rheumatoid Arthritis
-Juvenile Arthritis
-Cervicogenic Disorders
-Cervical Spinal Dysfunction
-Oral / Maxillofacial
-Popping - Clicking - Fascial Pain - Lock Jaw
-Earaches - Headaches - Dizziness - Vertigo
-Numbness - Tingling in Shoulder / Arm / Fingers
-Neck Pain - Stiffness
-All joint resurfacing / replacement
Shoulder - Arm - Hand Pathology
-Frozen Shoulder
-Rotator cuff injury
-Tennis & Golfer's elbow
-Carpal tunnel syndrome
-All joint resurfacing / replacement
Spine - Hip Pathology / Injuries
-Scoliosis / Kyphosis / Lordosis
-All joint resurfacing / replacement
-All joint resurfacing / replacement
Ankle - Foot Pathology / Injury
-Plantar fasciitis
-All joint resurfacing / replacement
Sprains - Strains
All Joint Replacement & Rehabilitation (pre / post)
Sport & Athletic Performance
All Flexibility & Stretching Training
Neural Outpatient & Pain Disorders
-Outpatient diagnosis
Gait - Balance - Posture
-Neurologically systemic
-Fall Assessment & Prevention
-Ergonomics Consultation - WFH office
Manual Lymphatic Drainage - Soft Tissue Manipulation
-Comprehensive - Full Body MLD
-Cosmetic Surgery (pre / post)
-Medical Massage - Soft Tissue Injury ​​​